- วงจร Hands Off
- วงจร Highway Alert Signal Lamp
- วงจร Invisible Broken Wire Detector
- วงจร IR Type Data Link
- วงจร IrDA To TTL อินเตอร์เฟส
C1,C4,C6,C8,C10 0.1 uf, polyester
C2,C3 10 pf np
C5 10uF-16v (electrolytic capacitor)
C7 100uF-16v
C9 100uF-63v
D1,D2 1N4148
JP1,JP2,JP3 jumper
R1,R5,R6,R7 10K 1/4W 1%
R2,R4 100K 1/4W 1%
R3 1M 1/4W 1%
R8,R9,R10 12 ohm 1W
U1 HSDL7001 or IRM7001 (HP, Siemens or others)
U2 IRMS6115 or IRMS6116 (HP, Siemens or others)
U3 7805 (voltage regulator, +5v)
XT1 3.6864MHz crystal
- วงจร Large LCD Display Buffering Driver
- วงจร Light Intensity Sensor PCB
Part list:
Qty Value Device
1 1M RES 10mm
1 1k f(T) RES 10mm
1 5.1V ZenerD 7,5mm
2 10k RES 10mm
1 15k RES 10mm
4 47k RES 10mm
1 100 RES 10mm
1 100k Trimer
3 100n CAP 5mm
1 200p CAP 5mm
2 BC107 Trans TO92
2 JP1E jmp 2pin
1 MA03-1 jmp 3pin
2 TL741 Dual OpAmp
1 TSL250 Light to voltage sensor
- วงจร Low - Cost Hearing Aid
- วงจร Low - Frequency Crystal Controlled Oscillator
- วงจร Low Voltage Battery Disconnect